Although it is recommended to eat turmeric for herbal treatment, it can be harmful for some people.

Turmeric is used in cooking. Not just for taste, it has medicinal properties. Due to which it is also used in various Ayurvedic treatments. Raw-turmeric has been used in skincare since ancient times. The main protagonist of so many qualities of turmeric is ‘curcumin’, a vegetable chemical ingredient that has strong anti-inflammatory properties. This spice is effective in treating knee pain, controlling cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease, and reducing the discomfort of ‘Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)’. However, some people do not sleep on the forehead. 

Therefore, in the light of the report published on a health website, it is said that one should be careful in eating turmeric under any circumstances. Pregnant and lactating women: Turmeric is very useful to increase immunity. Cooking turmeric is safe for pregnant and lactating women. This is because of the level of curcumin in it decreases a lot after cooking. However, it is risky to take turmeric as an ayurvedic medicine at this time. Because yellow is helpful in starting menstruation and stimulates the uterus. Both are risky during pregnancy. Suffering from anemia: Anemia or anemia occurs due to a lack of adequate iron in the body. Anemia is a condition in which the body cannot make enough red blood cells or loses or destroys more than it needs. At this time, taking high levels of turmeric will reduce the body's ability to absorb iron. 

Which will further increase the severity of anemia. Bleeding problems: Those who have constant bleeding problems, have to take medicine to thin the blood, nose bleeds, everyone should be careful to eat turmeric. Excessive intake can lead to loss of blood clotting ability. Which in turn will complicate stopping any bleeding. Diabetes: A diabetic patient has to keep an eye on his eating habits for the rest of his life. Their blood sugar levels cannot be high, even if they are low, they are dangerous. Curcumin, on the other hand, lowers blood sugar levels. 

Therefore, if you are not careful, the blood sugar level may drop excessively due to turmeric and it can be a serious danger. Kidney stones: Kidney stones are usually formed by the accumulation of various minerals and salts. The most common of these is calcium oxalate. Turmeric contains high levels of oxalate, which combines with calcium to form kidney stones. So those who have or have had kidney stones, they should eat a small amount of this spice. Safe doses of turmeric According to experts, the extract is 500 to 2000 ml per day. It is safe to eat turmeric up to the village. healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr healthtips1dr 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Two to two and a half thousand ml. If turmeric powder is used in cooking, it will give 80 to 100 ml of curcumin. Village. No one will have any difficulty in this. However, if you want to take turmeric as a 'supplement', you must take the advice of a doctor.


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